Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Im Sorry...

But if you think this is "cool" OR in any way shape and/or form "OK"... Then YOU'RE A PIG TOO!

Click on picture for BIGGIE

Not cause one hates to do laundry means you don't have to do it. This PIG has NASTY-STINKY-SUMMERSWEATTY-DIRTY laundry in boxes in a corner of his room. This shit's been dirty for MONTHS! "Remember Me" wrapped up in AUGUST for heaven's sakes! Is it not November??? If he ain't gon do laundry, he should have someone do his laundry or if he doesn't like that idea, then he should throw that shit out! THAT SAYS A LOT OF SOMEONES HYGIENE!

Ok, excuse me while I fucking run to the bathroom and hurl my breakfast, lunch AND dinner!


  1. @ziomara yes... gross. its just plain disgusting! and the fact that he openly talks about it makes it even NASTY-er! ~spits~

  2. why anyone thinks this boy is hot is beyond me. you just look at him and can smell his reek.

  3. Oink Oink babe. Why a million girls that have run into him claim he doesn't reek is beyond me...Oh wait they said he didn't smell of B.O? Oh wait a fan is whispering in my met him you say? He smelled of what? Smoke?. Well that's because he smokes...He didn't smell of pig you say? Hmmm enlightening story. Hold on...oh you even gave him a hug and got no hint of stench? Hmmm that is mysterious.....

  4. DO you believe everything you read about him...Come on......this seriously must be a joke

  5. @SilverBullet just wake the fuck up already!!!

    @anonymous well... you decide to not believe and i decide to believe. its the wonderfulness of free will and freedom! love it! live it!

    all in all... GAYBERT IS DISGUSTING!

  6. He reeked of smoke AND beer. AND he wore the same shit ALL the time. NASTY ASS MOFO.
