Sunday, November 8, 2009

Day 8 Of 20 Days Of New Moon!

We go on with the 8th Day! That means... yes, only 12 days remain!!! Twelve, a number that corresponds to each of these 12 months that we've been waiting for New Moon, since Twilight premiered... YAY!!!

If you missed day 7:

Let's talk about the scene of the birthday and the break-up again, yes again, because for me these two chapters are the key to the whole NM story. The person that's reading this part of the story and seeing this scene, that doesn't feel a bit miserable and crushed, is very insensitive or their heart is in the wrong place.


You have heard the phrase "small details make the difference" well, I think that Bella never imagined that a simple paper cut would change her life completely.


According to Newton's law: "Every action has a reaction" but c'mon Edward! Did you have to be so drastic! Seriously, when I was reading "The End" all I thought was: damn you Edward! (P.S. In this moment I went from being 100% Team Edward to 50%)

Edward don't do it!

And of course he's a vampire, but is still a man who believes that like them, we have a reset button with which we can forget everything:


Yeah sure, you're the love of my life, my reason to exist, but starting tomorrow it will be as if you never existed... easy!

P.S. Obviously after everything I forgave him and I'm 100% Team Edward again.

Anya was inspired by the break-up scene to write this song:


  1. I didn't cry when i saw the leaked scene but it might have been because of the poor quality. We'll see what happens when I see the Heart crushing moment on the big screen. Its true though edward did a human guy decision. "its not you, its me babe" which to us girls always means it was our fault. See edward can act human pretty well.

  2. OOOOOOOOOH!!! i cant wait i cant wait i cant waiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttt!!!!

    im ready for TAY's SEXY moments, Kstew's CRINGING moments, and ROB's "ok dude cant act" moments!

    im ready im ready im readyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!
